When I select/drag multiple files at the same time and use removebyUid, removing any file from that group removes all the files in the group. how do I remove a single file from a group?
Here is a dojo example, select more than 1 file on select or when dragging. what I want to achieve is only remove the first file on the group, not the whol first group
Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
answered on 28 Jun 2017, 02:45 PM
Hello Louise,
Please review Fig.1 and Fig.2 in the Synchronous mode and Asynchronous mode documentation sections respectively in this article. They demonstrate the different way multiple uploaded files are displayed in both of the Upload's modes of operation. Since you are using synchronous mode the selected filenames are displayed as span elements within a single li element, i.e. there are no multiple uids but a single uid applied to a li element, within which all filenames are nested. There is no built-in functionality that allows the removal of separate filenames in this mode.
In async mode the Upload displays the uploaded files in a file list: each uploaded file is rendered in a separate li element (with class "k-file"). Each file in this mode has its own uid and can be removed separately.