Hi all,
I am successfully load datasource data from server and then i remove some items from the datasource then i bind it to the combobox. the problems is that the removed data still appear?
// data from server works fine
comboData: kendo.data.DataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
dataType: "jsonp",
url: `my url`
//combobox binding
this.comboBox = $("#elementid").kendoComboBox({
dataTextField: "DisplayName",
dataValueField: "SchemaName",
select: (e) => this.onSelectionChanged(e),
dataSource: this.comboData
// remove data from datasource
var rawData:any = this.comboData.data();
for(let dataItem of rawData){
if(my condition ) {