I am trying to do a custom zoom with a dataSource. New data should be loaded with a higher resolution when zooming in and lower resolution when zooming out.
I am having trouble finding the new min and max values for the x-axis after the zoom. I would expect these to be somewhere in the zoom event object, but it seems hidden pretty well. Can anyone point me to them, like e.sender.? or e.axisRanges.valueOf(...?..)?
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
Apologies for the delayed reply.
In the zoomEnd event you could get min / max values of named axes via the e.axisRanges object (documentation link). For your convenience here is an example.
Iliana Nikolova
Telerik by Progress
Hi Iliana,
I updated to Kendo UI v2016.2.714 as used in the demo.
I get an undefined on "CatAxis" here:
zoomEnd: function(e){
var getAxis = e.axisRanges.CatAxis;
console.log(getAxis.min, getAxis.max)
I compared the kendo.all.min.js files from the CDN with my download, the files differ even though they are the same version! As strange as that is, when I try your CDN version still doesn't fix the problem.
Any idea what could be causing this?
Thanks, Sune
zoomEnd: function(e){
var getAxis = e.axisRanges.CatAxis;
console.log(getAxis.min, getAxis.max)
"CatAxis" is an explicitly defined name of categoryAxis. Take a look at the following code snippet which I extracted from my dojo:
categoryAxis: {
min: 0,
max: 10,
labels: {
I.e. to get the expected result you should set categoryAxis.name.
Iliana Nikolova
Telerik by Progress
Ah ok, that makes sense.
Unfortunately it still doesn't work, I still get an undefined, something must be breaking it.
I am using a dataSource so the min and max values are on auto from the dataSource. I am also using datetimes on the x-axis and plotting in svg. Could this somehow be the culprit?
dataBound: function () {
kendo.ui.progress($(progress), false);
categoryAxis: {
name: "CatAxis"
renderAs: "svg",
autoBind: false
chartArea: {
height: chartHeight
renderAs: "svg",
dataBound: function (e) {
var view = e.sender.dataSource.view();
if (view.length === 0) {
} else {
title: {
text: "Temperatures - in Celsius (°C)",
color: 'rgb(66, 153, 216)',
render: function () {
if (chartRefreshButton != null) {
kendo.ui.progress($(progress), false);
categoryAxis: {
name: "CatAxis"
autoBind: false,
seriesDefaults: {
type: "scatterLine",
xField: "logged",
width: 2,
markers: {
visible: true,
size: 6
dataSource: chartDataSource,
series: [
{ name: "Return", visible: seriesVisible[0], color: 'Blue', yField: "returnTemp", yAxis: "temperature", missingValues: "gap" },
name: "Setpoint", visible: seriesVisible[1], color: 'CornflowerBlue', yField: "tempSetpoint",
yAxis: "temperature", missingValues: "gap"
name: "Supply",
visible: seriesVisible[2],
color: 'RosyBrown',
yField: "supplyTemp",
yAxis: "temperature",
missingValues: "gap"
name: "Supply - Setp.",
visible: seriesVisible[3],
color: 'Green',
yField: "supplyDiff",
yAxis: "temperature",
missingValues: "gap"
name: "Return - Setp.",
visible: seriesVisible[4],
color: 'LightCoral',
yField: "returnDiff",
yAxis: "temperature",
missingValues: "gap"
name: "USDA 1",
visible: seriesVisible[5],
color: 'Aqua',
yField: "cargo1",
yAxis: "temperature",
missingValues: "gap"
name: "USDA 2",
visible: seriesVisible[6],
color: 'Navy',
yField: "cargo2",
yAxis: "temperature",
missingValues: "gap"
name: "USDA 3",
visible: seriesVisible[7],
color: 'DarkCyan',
yField: "cargo3",
yAxis: "temperature",
missingValues: "gap"
name: "Cargo 4",
visible: seriesVisible[8],
color: 'MediumPurple',
yField: "cargo4",
yAxis: "temperature",
missingValues: "gap"
name: "Ambient",
visible: seriesVisible[9],
color: 'LightSeaGreen',
yField: "ambTemp",
yAxis: "temperature",
missingValues: "gap"
name: "Humidity",
visible: seriesVisible[10],
color: 'Crimson',
yField: "humidity",
yAxis: "humidity",
missingValues: "gap"
legendItemClick: function (e) {
seriesVisible[e.seriesIndex] = !e.series.visible;
legend: {
visible: true,
position: "left",
labels: {
font: "14px sans-serif",
color: 'rgb(66, 153, 216)',
margin: 3
yAxis: [
name: "temperature",
axisCrossingValues: [-100, 100],
labels: {
visible: true,
format: "{0}°C"
name: "humidity",
axisCrossingValues: [0, 100],
color: 'Crimson',
labels: {
visible: true,
format: "{0}%"
pannable: {
lock: "y"
zoomable: {
mousewheel: {
lock: "y"
selection: {
lock: "y"
zoomEnd: function (e) {
var xmin = e.axisRanges.CatAxis.min;
var xmax = e.axisRanges.CatAxis.max;
var fromDate = xmin;
var toDate = xmax;
_requestData(currentContainerId, fromDate, toDate, false);
// zoomEnd: _onZoomEnd,
// zoom: _onZoom,
xAxis: {
type: "date",
baseUnit: _fromToDateDiff(fromDate, toDate) <
? "hours" : "days",
axisCrossingValue: [new Date("January 1, 2000 0:00:00"), new Date("October 1, 2999 1:00:00")],
labels: {
format: _fromToDateDiff(fromDate, toDate) < 5 ? "HH:mm" : "yyyy/MM/dd"
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: '${series.name}: ${value.y} <br/>#= moment(dataItem.logged).format(\'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm\') #'