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Relative Layot

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Oleg asked on 12 Nov 2020, 07:50 AM

Relative not working

        <telerikGauges:RadRadialGauge x:Name="gauge" RelativeLayout.XConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent, Property=Width, Factor=0}"
                                                     RelativeLayout.YConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent, Property=Height, Factor=0}"
                                                     RelativeLayout.WidthConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent, Property=Width, Factor=1}"
                                                     RelativeLayout.HeightConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent, Property=Height, Factor=1}" >

        <Label RelativeLayout.XConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToView, ElementName=gauge, Property=X, Factor=0.33}"
               RelativeLayout.YConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToView, ElementName=gauge, Property=Y, Factor=0.33}"
               RelativeLayout.WidthConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToView, ElementName=gauge, Property=Width, Factor=0.33}"
               RelativeLayout.HeightConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToView, ElementName=gauge, Property=Height, Factor=0.33}">
                        <Span Text="Speed: "/>
                        <Span Text="33"/>



label alignment in top-left, it is not fine

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answered on 13 Nov 2020, 11:38 AM

Hello Oleg,

This is not related to the usage of RadGauge, if you replace RadGauge with a simple Xamarin.Forms BoxView, the same result can be observed.

It's rather related to the way RelativeLayout handles Factor value - the Factor is what percentage of the parent or view you want to use. Here is a good explanation on this: Can someone explain to me the constraints, factor and constant in xamarin forms?

I guess that you would need to add Constant value as well to make it work:

    <telerikGauges:RadRadialGauge BackgroundColor="Yellow" x:Name="gauge"
                                                    RelativeLayout.XConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent, Property=Width, Factor=0}"
                                                    RelativeLayout.YConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent, Property=Height, Factor=0}"
                                                    RelativeLayout.WidthConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent, Property=Width, Factor=1}"
                                                    RelativeLayout.HeightConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent, Property=Height, Factor=1}" >

    <Label RelativeLayout.XConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToView, ElementName=gauge, Property=X, Factor=0.33,Constant=100}"
            RelativeLayout.YConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToView, ElementName=gauge, Property=Y, Factor=0.33,Constant=20}"
            RelativeLayout.WidthConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToView, ElementName=gauge, Property=Width, Factor=0.33}"
            RelativeLayout.HeightConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToView, ElementName=gauge, Property=Height, Factor=0.33}">
                    <Span Text="Speed: "/>
                    <Span Text="33"/>

I hope I was able to guide into the right direction, so you can achieve the required layout.

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