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Redirect to Controller from Grid Command with row ID

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Charlie asked on 23 Oct 2012, 03:50 PM

I have looked through the forum a few times and not found something quite like what I am looking for.

I am using Kendo UI Complete with Razor syntax, but I am using VB,net

I have commands setup, and I want to redirect the user onclick to the same controller, but to its... say delete command, but I need to pass along the ID.

I get the circular reference issue when I use the DataSource field. Is there a way just to pass the ID (which I have hidden) along to the JS command to redirect the user?

Here is my view:

@ModelType IEnumerable(Of Core.Domain.MaintenanceTicket)
    ViewData("Title") = "Index"
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.vbhtml"
End Code
@section breadcrumb
Home > Maintenance Queue
End Section
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('li.q a').addClass("on");
<h1>Maintenance Queue</h1>
<div class="row">
    <div class="box round twlevecol" style="font-size:12px;">
        @(Html.Kendo().Grid(Model) _
            .Name("MaintenanceTickets") _
                .Columns(Function(modelItem) modelItem.Bound(Function(p) p.Id).Hidden) _
                .Columns(Function(modelItem) modelItem.Bound(Function(p) p.CreateDate)) _
                .Columns(Function(modelItem) modelItem.Bound(Function(p) p.Originator)) _
                .Columns(Function(modelItem) modelItem.Bound(Function(p) p.CustomerName)) _
                .Columns(Function(modelItem) modelItem.Bound(Function(p) p.Description)) _
                .Columns(Function(modelItem) modelItem.Bound(Function(p) p.OntimeAssignedTo)) _
                .Columns(Function(modelItem) modelItem.Bound(Function(p) p.Description)) _
                .Columns(Function(modelItem) modelItem.Bound(Function(p) p.Priority.Name)) _
                .Columns(Function(modelItem) modelItem.Bound(Function(p) p.Status.Name)) _
                .Columns(Function(modelitem) modelitem.Command(Sub(p)
                                                                       p.Custom("Details").Click("showDetails").HtmlAttributes(New With {.class = "k-grid-btn"})
                                                                       p.Custom("Edit").Click("showEdit").HtmlAttributes(New With {.class = "k-grid-btn"})
                                                                       p.Custom("Delete").Click("showDelete").HtmlAttributes(New With {.class = "k-grid-btn"})
                                                               End Sub)) _
            .Pageable() _
            .DataSource(Function(dataSource) dataSource.Ajax().Read(Function(r) r.Action("CustomCommand_Read", "Ticket"))) _
            .Sortable() _
            .Filterable() _
            .Resizable(Function(resize) resize.Columns(True))
<script type="text/javascript">
    function showDetails(e) {
        var currentDataItem = $("#MaintenanceTickets").data("kendoGrid").dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));
    function showEdit(e) { alert('Showing Edit Screen...'); }
    function showDelete(e) { alert('Showing Delete Screen...'); }

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