I have to question first is how can I hide the Recurrence option (Repeat Daily, Weekly,Monty,Yearly).
Second how can I show Popups without closing the Event window. For example when I'm creating an event I have a function that return a null value if there is an event schedule at that time so I'm popping up a window that says there is a conflict on the event so I cancel the changes in the datasource (scheduler.dataSource.cancelChanges()) which is closing the event message window. I want to keep it open and just show an extra message.
I have to question first is how can I hide the Recurrence option (Repeat Daily, Weekly,Monty,Yearly).
Second how can I show Popups without closing the Event window. For example when I'm creating an event I have a function that return a null value if there is an event schedule at that time so I'm popping up a window that says there is a conflict on the event so I cancel the changes in the datasource (scheduler.dataSource.cancelChanges()) which is closing the event message window. I want to keep it open and just show an extra message.