Hi Team,
We are using Asp.Net Kendo UI grid (not MVC).To bind the grid we are using "transport read property (Ajax POST method)" to fetch the records from the database & convert it to JsonConvert.SerializeObject, Parse it and display them on the grid.
When we bind more than 150 records we get the below error.
Screen Shot link
Code mentioned below for your reference. Can you please check & help with it?
ASP.NET - Jquery
var gridDataSource =new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: function (option) {
type: "POST",
url: "History.aspx/BindGridDetails",
data: JSON.stringify({ "FromDate": $("#ContentPlaceHolder1_tdpFromDate").val(), "ToDate": $("#ContentPlaceHolder1_tdpToDate").val(), "CategoryId": $("#ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlCategory option:selected").text(), "AccountId": $("#ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlAccount option:selected").val() }),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
C# code
if (DB.GetHistory(iOwnerID, AccountId, sCategoryID, ref DT, ref sErrorMessage, ref ToDate, ref FromDate) == false)
return sErrorMessage;
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DT);
10 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hi Team,
Can you please check and help with this on priority?
Hi Rick,
Based on the provided information, the error is actually a server-side error. However, the screenshot is insufficient for me to determine what might be causing the issue.
What I can recommend is that you open the Network tab of the dev tools, perform the request, and examine the request's response. It will give you information about what is causing the problem.
In case additional assistance is needed, let me know.
Kind regards,
Progress Telerik
Our thoughts here at Progress are with those affected by the outbreak.
Hi Tsvetomir,
As said before we are using Asp.Net Kendo UI (Not MVC).
We referred this link (https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/data/datasource/configuration/transport.read#transport.read.cache) to bind the records in the grid. On this link, for ajax method you have used (https) link on URL to call the records on transport read property.
For the ajax method we have called the web on the code behind (static method).
We are getting the records on the datatable, change it to JsonConvert.SerializeObject & return it to Ajax.
Returned data is parsed & bound on the grid. Code snippet mentioned below for your reference.
JQuery - Ajax :
var gridDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: function (options) {
type: "POST",
url: "History.aspx/BindGridDetails",
data: JSON.stringify({ "FromDate": $("#ContentPlaceHolder1_tdpFromDate").val(), "ToDate": $("#ContentPlaceHolder1_tdpToDate").val(), "CategoryId": $("#ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlCategory option:selected").text(), "AccountId": $("#ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlAccount option:selected").val() }),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
C# Code behind :
public static string BindGridDetails(DateTime FromDate, DateTime ToDate, string CategoryId,int AccountId)
DataTable DT = new DataTable();
int iOwnerID = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["OwnerID"]);
string sErrorMessage = string.Empty;
SqlDataReader DR = null;
DBClass DB = new DBClass();
if (DB.GetHistory(iOwnerID, AccountId, sCategoryID, ref DT, ref sErrorMessage, ref ToDate, ref FromDate) == false)
return sErrorMessage;
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DT);
Database class :
public bool GetHistory(int iOwnerID, int iLocationID, string sCategory, ref DataTable DT, ref string sErrorMessage, ref DateTime toDate, ref DateTime fromDate)
DT = new DataTable();
var withBlock = _cmd;
withBlock.CommandText = "SELECT top(190) Cast(T.EDate AS Date) as CompDate, T.ID AS TicketNumber, T.WorkOrder, L.Tag AS Account, " + "E.Unit, T.Cat, W.fDesc AS Mechanic, (T.Reg + T.OT + T.DT + T.NT) as Hours," + " CASE WHEN Charge = 1 or isnull(Invoice, 0) > 0 THEN '$' ELSE ' ' END AS Billable , T.fDesc AS ScopeOfWork, T.DescRes AS Resolution" + " FROM TicketD T " + " INNER JOIN Loc L ON T.Loc = L.loc " + " INNER JOIN tblWork W ON T.fWork = W.ID " + " LEFT JOIN Elev E ON T.Elev=E.ID " + " WHERE L.Owner = " + iOwnerID + GetHistoryWhere(iLocationID, sCategory) + " AND T.Internet = 1 AND EDate <= '" + toDate.Date + "' AND EDate >= '" + fromDate.Date + "'" + " ORDER BY T.EDate DESC";
SqlDataAdapter DA = new SqlDataAdapter(_cmd);
catch (Exception X)
sErrorMessage = X.Message;
RemoveAllParameters(ref _cmd);
return false;
RemoveAllParameters(ref _cmd);
return true;
If we get Top(100/150) records, it is getting bound correctly on the grid but if we get more than 190 we get the error.
Video link mentioned below for your reference. Please check & let us know if you need more information on it.
Video Link
Hi Tsvetomir,
Do we need to furnish any other information? Can you please help me with the solution asap?
Hi Tsvetomir,
While checking this issue we found the below errors on the Console Tab. Can you please check and help with this?
Hi Rick,
Indeed, the information that you have provided code-wise is sufficient. However, as stated earlier, the exception that you observe is on the server-side. The only information that you have provided is that the request returns a status of 500 - a server-side error.
It is possible for you to open the devtools of the browser and navigate to the Network tab. Navigate to the Read request of the grid and investigate the response - it will contain detailed information on what exactly the exception is. This information is crucial in order for me to understand where the problem stems from.
Attached to my response is a sample project with jQuery implementation and MVC server-side. It loads 350 items. Could you examine it and let me know on the steps needed to replicate the issue?
Progress Telerik
Our thoughts here at Progress are with those affected by the outbreak.
Hi Tsvetomir,
Thanks for the sample project but we are using Asp.Net with Kendo UI & not MVC. Can you please help out with a sample project with it?
I have taken a screenshot of the Internal server error 500. Hope this helps. Please do check & let me know you need any other information on it.
Hi Rick,
The stack trace for the error on the client-side does not provide accurate information on what exactly is the error. As per my request, could you open the Network tab:
In your case, the request will have the text in red color. After you click on the request itself, navigate to the response, and check the actual error.
Instead of a JSON string that is the data for the grid, you will have a descriptive text of the error.
Looking forward to you sharing the server-side error.
Kind regards,
Progress Telerik
Our thoughts here at Progress are with those affected by the outbreak.
Thanks for your timely support.
Sorry, now I clearly understood what you meant earlier.
I found the exact issue & I have resolved it.
While changing the datatable as Jsonserialize, it does not accept huge records because the Jsonserialize default max length value is very less. On the web config I have added the max length value for Jsonserialization. ScreenShot mentioned below.
Hi Rick,
I am happy to hear that you have resolved the issue. Indeed, this is one option to set the max length for the JSON. Instead of setting it for the whole application, you could opt for setting it per-ActionMethod. Here is an example that you might find helpful:
Progress Telerik