I'm using telerik tools version v.2013.1.32120
I want to populate a radGridView from an oracle or sas data table and then set AllowRowReorder = True and allow the user to rearrange the rows however they want locally and then I can handle the database update. My issue now is that I pull my data down into a C# datatable on the client and then when I set it as the source for my radGridView it will not let me rearrange the data. How can I change this to be unbound mode to allow the rearranging within the datatable but not on the server table?
Thank you,
I want to populate a radGridView from an oracle or sas data table and then set AllowRowReorder = True and allow the user to rearrange the rows however they want locally and then I can handle the database update. My issue now is that I pull my data down into a C# datatable on the client and then when I set it as the source for my radGridView it will not let me rearrange the data. How can I change this to be unbound mode to allow the rearranging within the datatable but not on the server table?
(OracleConnection oraConn =
OracleCommand sasCommand = oraConn.CreateCommand();
sasCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
sasCommand.CommandText = sSQL;
OracleDataAdapter da =
DataTable dt =
radGridView1.DataSource = dt;
Thank you,