I'm displaying start and end dates in the RangeBar chart.
I'm setting min and max range in the valueAxis as seen here:
valueAxis: {
min: new Date("2017/04/06 07:00").getTime(),
max: new Date("2017/04/06 17:00").getTime(),
majorUnit: 60 * 60 * 1000, // 60 minutes in milliseconds
labels: {
template: "#= kendo.toString(new Date(value), 'HH:mm') #"
The problem I'm having is getTime() is returning the number of milliseconds since Epoch off by 4 hours.
In the example above, GetTime() returns 1491476400000, or "2017/04/06 11:00" instead of "2017/04/06 07:00"
The label is displaying 07:00.
I'm assuming this is some kind of UTC issue? I live in the EDT timezone which is UTC-4 hours.
How do I need to do to have getTime() return the proper milliseconds?