Using the example found here:
I am trying to modify this to show a range across months instead of a single day. Below is the modified code where I am attempting to show one range from 01/14 - 03/14 and the other range from 03/14 - 06/14. I can get the vertical axis to show dates in the format I want (MM/yy), but I'm getting months showing up twice, so I'm hopefully assuming I just have things configured wrong. I would like to have a vertical line for each month; 01/14, 02/14, 03/14, etc. Can anyone point out what I should change or if the desired result is not really possible using this control?
Additional question - should I be setting the to/from in the dataSource differently?
Screenshot is attached of chart produced by this code
var data = [{
id: 1,
user: "Team A",
from: new Date("2014/01/01").getTime(),
to: new Date("2014/03/01").getTime()
}, {
id: 2,
user: "Team B",
from: new Date("2014/03/01").getTime(),
to: new Date("2014/06/01").getTime()
dataSource: {
data: data,
group: {
field: "id",
dir: "desc"
series: [{
type: "rangeBar",
fromField: "from",
toField: "to",
categoryField: "user",
spacing: -1
valueAxis: {
min: new Date("2014/01/01").getTime(),
max: new Date("2014/08/01").getTime(),
//majorUnit: 60 * 60 * 1000, // 60 minutes in milliseconds
labels: {
template: "#= kendo.toString(new Date(value), 'MM/yy') #"
legend: {
visible: false