I am developing a test app to try out kendo ui mobile.
The app has 3 main models which are present in the url : Organization, Shop, Category
Everything seems to be alright when I visit appdomain.com/categories or appdomain.com/organizations or even appdoman/organizations/1.
(Although the Home tabstrip button gets activated when I go to appdoman/organizations/1 but it still takes me back to the apps homepage if I click on it. )
The problem comes when I go deeper. Like appdomain.com/organization/1/category/2/shops or appdomain.com/organization/1/category/2/shops/1
When I visit those, TabStrip thinks from that point on that they are the homepage, the root url and messes up my whole nav structure.
What is the proper way to use rails nested routes with Kendo UI mobile so they won't effect the tabstrip nav in a negative way?
It seems that I had to remove the rails route helpers, and construct the urls differently.
So instead of:
I use:
You surely notice that I had to append /#/ manually at the beginning of these deeply nested urls to make it work. Still need to find out why, and where it is needed exactly.
The app has 3 main models which are present in the url : Organization, Shop, Category
Everything seems to be alright when I visit appdomain.com/categories or appdomain.com/organizations or even appdoman/organizations/1.
(Although the Home tabstrip button gets activated when I go to appdoman/organizations/1 but it still takes me back to the apps homepage if I click on it. )
The problem comes when I go deeper. Like appdomain.com/organization/1/category/2/shops or appdomain.com/organization/1/category/2/shops/1
When I visit those, TabStrip thinks from that point on that they are the homepage, the root url and messes up my whole nav structure.
What is the proper way to use rails nested routes with Kendo UI mobile so they won't effect the tabstrip nav in a negative way?
It seems that I had to remove the rails route helpers, and construct the urls differently.
So instead of:
href="<%= organizations_categories_shops_path(@category) %>">
I use:
href="/#/organizations/<%= @organization.id %>/categories/<%= category.id %>/shops">