I am using a radtreeview bound to a dataset having multiple levels of hierarchy. See attached file radtreeview.gif.
With AllowEdit=True, I press F2, and edit the text. Then when I hit the enter or escape key, the radtreeview crashes with the an exception "Index -1 does not have a value". See attached file radtreeviewError1.gif
I noticed that this exception is only thrown for the nodes that do not have children. For nodes having children, it works fine.
Also I tried to programmatically edit using a context menu and context menu manager. However the same exception is thrown. My code is pasted below.
private void radMenuItemEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadTreeNode node = territoryRadTreeView.SelectedNode;
if (node != null)
territoryRadTreeView.AllowEdit = true;
The version I have is, RadControls for WinForms Q2 2009 SP1.
I am stuck on this issue for the last 2 days and any help will be appreciated.