If I want to check all the controls in a tabpage how can I do that? We used to have tabpage.controls in VB.net, but controls is not a memeber of Radtabstrip.tabitem. please help.
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Boyko Markov
Telerik team
answered on 26 Jun 2007, 01:42 PM
Hi Sieu,
RadTabStrip control extends the functionality of the toolbox tabControl, so the API for looping through all the controls in a RadTabStrip is a bit different. You can find all the controls in a tab page with the TabItem.ContentPanel.Controls property, which is a reference to the Panel control holding the controls in a tab page.
Each TabItem has a property named ContentPanel which is the actual panel that hosts the controls added to that TabItem. To access the controls in a TabItem you can use that property.
The following sample code hides the panel hosting the controls in a TabItem:
e.g. tabItem1.ContentPanel.Visible = false;
ContentPanel is inherited from the default System.Windows.Forms.Panel so it supports all of the functionality of the standard panel control.
If you need further assistance, please write back.