In windows application i am using the Telerik controls for winforms.
In that a RadSplitButton has 2 events ArrowClick and ActionClick .
ArrowClick is fired when the arrow of the RadSplitButton is clicked .
ActionClik is fired when the RadSlitButton is clicked .This is working fine i saw it in a sample .
Biut my problem is i am not using a RadSplitButton instead i am using RadSplitButtonElement in a RadRibbionbar so now i dont have the Arrow Event and Action Event so how can i do it for RadSplitButtonElement .
In windows application i am using the Telerik controls for winforms.
In that a RadSplitButton has 2 events ArrowClick and ActionClick .
ArrowClick is fired when the arrow of the RadSplitButton is clicked .
ActionClik is fired when the RadSlitButton is clicked .This is working fine i saw it in a sample .
Biut my problem is i am not using a RadSplitButton instead i am using RadSplitButtonElement in a RadRibbionbar so now i dont have the Arrow Event and Action Event so how can i do it for RadSplitButtonElement .