First of all thank you guys for this great product "telerik winforms RadScheduler" it is life saver for my final year project, where i had issue with multiple users.
Issue: i want to display appointments for specific user, i.e. only authorized user can view appointments(his own).
i have project that looks similar to outlook, but i am implementing multiple user. where each user can login and view/edit/update his own appointments. appointments of other user should not be displayed.(User can view/edit appointments that belongs to him)
while this point was implementing scheduler for single user. its working fine thanks to your support and documentation.example in Quick start helped me lot.
for this function i added custom field "UserID" its working fine, similar to example appointmentWithEmail.
i tried to sort appointments while filling dataset with adapter, this displays information correctly but now i cant save appointments.
so my question is how can i achieve this functionality "Multiple Users" ?
Note : i am not experienced developer, i am student still learning ONLY Few days left for final submission of my project.
Project : Personal Information Manager
language - (visual studio 2010)
Back End - MS Access 2010
Issue: i want to display appointments for specific user, i.e. only authorized user can view appointments(his own).
i have project that looks similar to outlook, but i am implementing multiple user. where each user can login and view/edit/update his own appointments. appointments of other user should not be displayed.(User can view/edit appointments that belongs to him)
while this point was implementing scheduler for single user. its working fine thanks to your support and documentation.example in Quick start helped me lot.
for this function i added custom field "UserID" its working fine, similar to example appointmentWithEmail.
i tried to sort appointments while filling dataset with adapter, this displays information correctly but now i cant save appointments.
so my question is how can i achieve this functionality "Multiple Users" ?
Note : i am not experienced developer, i am student still learning ONLY Few days left for final submission of my project.
Project : Personal Information Manager
language - (visual studio 2010)
Back End - MS Access 2010