Hi Telerik,
I trying to update some text to RadRichTextBox but it's work. It showing me a blank screen. If i use windows/winform richtextbox it works.
What shouild i do??? Thank you.
I trying to update some text to RadRichTextBox but it's work. It showing me a blank screen. If i use windows/winform richtextbox it works.
What shouild i do??? Thank you.
exBuilder.Append(exception.Message + Environment.NewLine);
RadRichTextBox richTextBox =
//RichTextBox richTextBox = new RichTextBox();
richTextBox.ThemeName =
richTextBox.Text = line +
+ exBuilder.ToString();
richTextBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
richTextBox.IsReadOnly =
//richTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
richTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Red;