I've been having a couple of issues with the RadRichTextBox due to the event handlers not being provided with the parameters they are documented to, particularly with the DocumentContentChanged, DocumentArranged and CurrentEditingStyleChanged events. It probably affects the CurrentParagraphStyleChanged and CurrentSpanStyleChanged events too.
Both of these events are documented to provide the text box in the sender parameter, but instead they receive the RadDocument and the DocumentView objects, respectively.
This makes it difficult to share event handlers for different text boxes. I've been able to work around this problem so far by using event handlers specific to each text box on my form (I have several), but is there a way to get the associated text box from either the RadDocument or the DocumentView objects? I have a need to add these event handlers dynamically to dynamically added rich text boxes, and this becomes very problematic if there is no way to get the actual text box from the event handler parameters.
Is this by design, and it was overlooked in the documentation, or is it a bug? For what it's worth, I could get the RadDocument and DocumentView from the text box if this was provided in the sender parameter.
Both of these events are documented to provide the text box in the sender parameter, but instead they receive the RadDocument and the DocumentView objects, respectively.
This makes it difficult to share event handlers for different text boxes. I've been able to work around this problem so far by using event handlers specific to each text box on my form (I have several), but is there a way to get the associated text box from either the RadDocument or the DocumentView objects? I have a need to add these event handlers dynamically to dynamically added rich text boxes, and this becomes very problematic if there is no way to get the actual text box from the event handler parameters.
Is this by design, and it was overlooked in the documentation, or is it a bug? For what it's worth, I could get the RadDocument and DocumentView from the text box if this was provided in the sender parameter.