Hi there,
I have a RadRibbonBar which contains a RadSplitButton element and I'm using Windows11Compact Theme.
I have set splitBtn.ArrowPosition = Bottom and ImageAlignment and TextAligment = TopCenter.
I want the image and text to be centered on the button but they are both aligned right. I notice this only happens with the Windows11 themes, and only to the RadSplitButton. The DropdownButton image/text is correctly centered, however I need to use the split button as there is an event triggered when the button portion of the control is clicked.
I have tried searching for other alignment properties in the UI Elements and setting them all to TopCenter but that still does not solve the problem.
Is this the expected behaviour/appearance? And is there a way I can have the image and text centered on the control?
I have attached a screenshot of the issue I am experiencing.
Thank you,