My application is standard WinForms Form with RadRibbonBar placed on that form. I set autoScaleMode to DPI for that form, ale unfortunately form and ribbon doesn't scale to 125 or 150%. Other forms are actually RadForms, and forms and all controls placed on themscales right. Is this have to be RadRibbonForm to scale right? Is this the only solution for my problem?
UPDATE: In fact form scales. Only ribbonbar and statusbar doesn't scale.
My application is standard WinForms Form with RadRibbonBar placed on that form. I set autoScaleMode to DPI for that form, ale unfortunately form and ribbon doesn't scale to 125 or 150%. Other forms are actually RadForms, and forms and all controls placed on themscales right. Is this have to be RadRibbonForm to scale right? Is this the only solution for my problem?
UPDATE: In fact form scales. Only ribbonbar and statusbar doesn't scale.