RadListView .NET8 GA iOS keeps triggering LoadOnDemand even though bottom of list has not been reached

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Robert asked on 22 Nov 2023, 09:15 PM


Since migrating to MAUI .NET8 GA 8.0.3 (and Telerik 6.5) - on iOS the RadListView keeps repeatedly triggering the defined LoadOnDemand command to get more items even though list has not been scrolled by user (and there are still plenty of items off screen / bottom of list has not been reached).

I also refer to this previous post which describes how we are using the RadListView  - Grouped mode and based on advice using <Grid RowDefinitions="Auto" ...> wrapped around items to ensure items with multiple heights are rendered correctly : 

For example we have RadListView where 10 items are loaded initially - and then we load additional sets of 10 items each time from API when the LoadOnDemand command is triggered : 

- On iOS .NET8 MAUI - even when list is not even scrolled by user it & there are still plenty of items off screen it just keeps triggering the LoadOnDemand command every few seconds to ask for more items.

- On Android .NET8 MAUI, and the previous .NET7 MAUI releases (both Android/iOS) - we were not seeing this behaviour.

Note that (as per recommended implementation in docs) we have LoadOnDemandMode set to 'Automatic', IsLoadOnDemandEnabled to 'True' and a ListViewUserCommand of id = 'LoadOnDemand' defined under the Commands property.

Can please advise when a fix can be provided for this.




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answered on 27 Nov 2023, 03:19 PM

Hello Robert,

Thank you for the provided info.

I tested the case and reproduced the behavior on iOS and MacCatalyst. We have fixed an issue related to the load on demand event and command: https://feedback.telerik.com/maui/1623945-listview-ios-maccatalyst-nsinternalinconsistencyexception-when-using-load-on-demand-via-a-command-or-event now the behavior could be related to the .NET version or somehow this fix represented the behavior. I have logged the issue here: https://feedback.telerik.com/maui/1632421-listview-ios-maccatalyst-triggering-loadondemand-even-command-and-collection-when-bottom-of-list-has-not-been-reached-and-net-8-ga-is-used 

For now as a solution I can suggest you set the mode to Manual. As the behavior happens in the LoadOnDemand command, event and the collection when mode is Automatic. 

Based on the documentation, automatic mode is not the suggested approach, this is just an option how the load on demand could be triggered. Example here https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/maui/controls/listview/load-on-demand#using-loadondemand-command the command method uses Manual mode. 

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