I've attached a simple app with the requested default PlaceholderTemplate and DisplayTemplate.
Still, I'd like to mention, in case you'd need to modify only the underline border distance, this can be achieved only with modifying the PlaceholderLabelStyle and DisplayLabelStyle properties of the ListPicker:
<telerik:RadListPickerx:Name="listPicker1"Placeholder="Pick a name!"DisplayMemberPath="Name"PlaceholderLabelStyle="{StaticResource MyPlaceholderLabelStyle}"DisplayLabelStyle="{StaticResource MyPlaceholderLabelStyle}"/>
You can take a look at the ListPicker Styling topic for more details on the provided style properties.
Hi Anthony,
The available templates are described here: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/maui/controls/listpicker/templates Let me know which template you want to modify and I will send the code.
Hi Didi,
The PlaceholderTemplate and the DisplayTemplate please.