In my solution I had RadControls 2007 and I can drag an item from a RadList box, to a RadTextbox
After the upgrade to RadControls 2008 Q2 – the behaviour is a bit funny...
If I use the MouseDown event
private void lstAlertTokens_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (lstAlertTokens.SelectedIndex >= 0)
string text = lstAlertTokens.Text;
lstAlertTokens.DoDragDrop(text, DragDropEffects.Copy);
The Drag and drops works, but when I click on items in the list, they are not selected (highlighted), I must use the up/down keyboard keys to first select the item I want, before I drag and drop it.
If I use the mouseUp event
The item selection works now (gets highlighted) when I click the mouse , but the DragDrop effect icon is missing.. So the drag and drop works, but you don’t see the DragDropEffects.Copy effect.
Any ideas?