| | QUANTITY | txtBox1 | txtbox2 | ......txtBox to insert the quantity...............
In the other projects I've done, I created the template at the form load, and filled it when the rowSourceNeeded event was fired.
But now, i have to create the template dinamycally, and with that style (with HtmlViewDefinition?). Is this possible? What are the steps to do? Any ideas, please!
Thank you!!
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 10 Oct 2012, 08:24 AM
Hi Vicente,
View definitions can be applied independent from the underlying data source. The only condition is that all columns defined in the view definition should exist in the data layer. To apply a view definition you should set the ViewDefinition property of the desired template. Here is a sample:
HtmlViewDefinition view = new HtmlViewDefinition();
Find further information on how to create and use view definitions check our online documentation. You can consider also the GridView >> Columns >> Grid Views example from our demo application.
The following article describes how to create load-on-demand hierarchy in RadGridView.