I have this scene, one mask edit with integer limit quantity. One radgrid for introducing any number of row. 3 Columns. (2 dropdown, one decimal column)
our users can write data if the quantity is less than limit quantity. If the summatory of the grid and the current row is over the limit i want cancel this new line. How can do this?
In this grid, too, we have 2 raddropdown list editor, for the autocomplete mode. But we want to limit to the existing data. If the data don't not exist the user can't leave the current cell. It is possible? How?
tx in advanced.
I have this scene, one mask edit with integer limit quantity. One radgrid for introducing any number of row. 3 Columns. (2 dropdown, one decimal column)
our users can write data if the quantity is less than limit quantity. If the summatory of the grid and the current row is over the limit i want cancel this new line. How can do this?
In this grid, too, we have 2 raddropdown list editor, for the autocomplete mode. But we want to limit to the existing data. If the data don't not exist the user can't leave the current cell. It is possible? How?
tx in advanced.