I have 2 issues related to radgridview summary
1- How can I change the style of SummaryRowsBottom (eg. text alignment , backColor,ForColor etc.)
2- How can I show Grandtotal ,
When i using something like :
dim si as New GridViewSummaryItem("Col", "{0}", GridAggregateFunction.Sum)
si = New GridViewSummaryItem("Col2", "{0}", GridAggregateFunction.First)
it's working fine either as subtotal ( for each group ) Or for all as grandtotal if there is no group ,
But what about if I want Both !! ( SubTotal for each group and Sum for all In the Last row of grid)
Thank You in Advance
I have 2 issues related to radgridview summary
1- How can I change the style of SummaryRowsBottom (eg. text alignment , backColor,ForColor etc.)
2- How can I show Grandtotal ,
When i using something like :
dim si as New GridViewSummaryItem("Col", "{0}", GridAggregateFunction.Sum)
si = New GridViewSummaryItem("Col2", "{0}", GridAggregateFunction.First)
it's working fine either as subtotal ( for each group ) Or for all as grandtotal if there is no group ,
But what about if I want Both !! ( SubTotal for each group and Sum for all In the Last row of grid)
Thank You in Advance