Am new to telerik and we are evaluating the RadGridView functionality for our project. I have worked some time but couldnt completely make a point of following functionalities needed by us. Can you please help me to resolve the same
1)Can we show only limited specified fields of the object binded along with some unbounded columns(like check box for selection). How to state to show only few and not all the fields of the binded object.
2) Once the grid is binded to any generic collection, can we add a new object of the same type to the grid to create a new row.(Is it mandatory that the collection should implement IBindingList, if not it throws expection when trying to add a new object/row ). What is the best way to add a new row in this scenario.
Also, the newly added row should be able to have selectable combobox, datetime and other controls to select right option for the column, which can then be individually captured to set for the corresponding object of the row.
Note: I may not need this comobox in same cell of other rows. Something like, all other rows be noneditable and only the newly added row cells are editable and once the focus is lost, its made uneditable.
How can I place controls like RichTextBox, datetimeEditor, ComboBox into the cells.
This is a major point of focus, any code example will be appreciated.
3) Handling sorting.
I see there is a SortChanging event, which gives the new header values for sort.
As our DB is huge and we implement our own custom sorting along with pagination, we would like to handle the sort.
Isn't there any SortHandled property in this event as we dont want to make e.cancel, doing which it doesnt show the sort indicators.
4) Hierarchy : How to achive heirarchy with
a) Collection of objects (for which we can have heirarchy condition)
b) DataSet
5) An example of showing that individual cells can accept different controls like checkboxes, combobox, datetime, image editors etc.,
6) Any Printing option from the grid.
7) Any Paging : Like many of the webgrid does when binded to DB.
8) Some kind of RowInitialised event, where in we can set that row cells to be editable/ non editable or row to be visible/hidden.
Help for the points with an example code will be very helpfull so as to know if RadGridView can be used in our project.
Thanks in advance.