I have a Grid bound as below, i am able to enter edit state on the TextBoxes however upon end edit the value entered is not persisted in the grid (meaning the datasource)
Why is this ?
If it is not possible to have a "select new { }" in the linq query and still edit, how should i then do this ?
I have a Grid bound as below, i am able to enter edit state on the TextBoxes however upon end edit the value entered is not persisted in the grid (meaning the datasource)
Why is this ?
If it is not possible to have a "select new { }" in the linq query and still edit, how should i then do this ?
rounds.MasterGridViewTemplate.Columns.Clear(); |
rounds.MasterGridViewTemplate.Columns.Add(new GridViewDataColumn("Hjemme", "tName") { Width = 120,ReadOnly=true }); |
rounds.MasterGridViewTemplate.Columns.Add(new GridViewTextBoxColumn("Bane", "lane_HomeNum") { Width = 55, HeaderText = "Bane" }); |
rounds.MasterGridViewTemplate.Columns.Add(new GridViewDataColumn("Ude", "tName2") { Width = 120, ReadOnly = true }); |
rounds.MasterGridViewTemplate.Columns.Add(new GridViewTextBoxColumn("Bane Ude", "lane_awayNum") { Width = 55, HeaderText = "Bane", DataType = typeof(int) }); |
rounds.MasterGridViewTemplate.Columns.Add(new GridViewDataColumn("Anden dato", "round_id") { Width = 50, ReadOnly = true }); |
rounds.MasterGridViewTemplate.AutoGenerateColumns = false; |
var q = from v in db.match_dbs |
where v.round_id == roundID |
select new { v.match_id, tName = v.team_db.team_name,v.lane_HomeNum, v.lane_awayNum , tName2 = v.team_db1.team_name }; |
rounds.DataSource = q; |