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RadForm Normalize Icon Incorrect

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KlaatuMcGoo asked on 11 Jun 2009, 08:17 PM
  * WinForms 2009 Q1 SP1 (2009.1 414)
  * VS 2008 SP1
  * Windows XP Pro SP3

When a WinForm is normalized, the middle icon in the control box (right side of title bar) is a single box with a thicker top.  Clicking this button to maximize the form, the middle icon changes to two overlapping boxes, singifying that you can normalize the form by clicking this button.

Just by changing the WinForm to a RadForm and doing nothing else, you lose the overlapping box icon when the RadForm is maximized.  I.E., the RadForm always displays the single box with a thicker top, whether currently normalized or maximized.

To reproduce:
  * Start a vanilla VB Winforms project
  * Drag a RadButton onto the form, then delete the button (this auto sets refs to Telerik assemblies)
  * In Form1.Designer.vb, make the form inherit from Telerik.WinControls.RadForm
  * Run the project.  The form is normalized and displays the correct middle icon in the control box.
  * Maximize the form.  The form is maximized and still displays the "maximize" icon, instead of displaying the overlapping boxes.

A pair of bitmaps illustrating the issue (one WinForm, one w/RadForm) is one folder down in the zip file, which also contains a sample VS2008 project:

If you don't fix this (and the other issue I just posted in this area), I'll have to redo my form as a vanilla WinForm.  When shall I expect a fix for this?

-James Frater, Creative Software Solutions

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Telerik team
answered on 12 Jun 2009, 12:21 PM
Hello KlaatuMcGoo,

Thanks for contacting us and for the provided project. Indeed, the current behavior of RadForm does not provide an image for the Maximize/Restore button in maximized state. However, I would like to inform you that we are working on an entirely new implementations of RadForm and RadRibbonForm which besides the requested feature, will provide improved painting and performance, and also new functionality. We plan to release the new versions of these controls in Q2 2009 which is scheduled for the end of this month. We are also releasing a beta version of Q2 2009 in a week so you can check it out and play with the new RadForm. Any feedback will be much appreciated. I hope this answers your question. You can write anytime you have further questions or feedback.

the Telerik team

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