I may coded it incorrect way. When I clicked the (X) button to close, it does not release memory. I can see through Windows Task Manager.
RadDesktopAlert alert = new RadDesktopAlert();
alert.FixedSize = new Size(330, 110);
alert.PopupAnimation = true;
alert.PopupAnimationFrames = 50; // 50 is default
alert.ShowOptionsButton = false;
alert.CaptionText = "NEW POPUP";
alert.ContentText = "WELCOME";
alert.AutoClose = Properties.Settings.Default.allowAutoClose;
alert.AutoCloseDelay = Properties.Settings.Default.delayAutoCloseInSec; ;
alert.Popup.Click += new EventHandler(Popup_Click);
Can someone please help me how to release/dispose RadDesktopAlert's memory properly?
Thank you!