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Hi there,
I can't seem to get a datepicker in a radhostitem (added to a toolstrip programmatically) to sit in line with the other controls on the toolstrip.
rtsi_Context is a RadToolStripItem
My code looks like this:-
RadDateTimePicker dtPicker = new RadDateTimePicker();
dtPicker.Name = "dtPicker";
dtPicker.ThemeName = "Office2007Blue";
RadHostItem hostItem = new RadHostItem(dtPicker);
hostItem.MinSize = new Size(150, 10);
hostItem.MaxSize = new Size(150, 10);
//Add the item to the context menu
//Save a reference for later use.
rdtp_Rundate = dtPicker;
rdtp_Rundate.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(rdtp_Rundate_ValueChanged);
I tried setting various MinSize attributes for the Toolstrip and its various components- other controls aligned themselves appropriately but the radhostitem / datetimepicker appeared "stuck" to the bottom of the RadToolStrip container.
I put the above code into a button click handler just to make sure that I wasn't attempting to add the control before the toolstrip was initialized correctly, but with the same results.
Many thanks,
Mike Renwick