We would like to use telerik winform controls. So we start to test demo version.
We have a strange issue about the RadComboBoxElement placed on radribbonbar.
When I use the autocompletemod with SuggestAppend option at the first bind something happen with the popup list. (image attached wrong.png). When I click the arrow of the texbox part of the combobox, the popup hide, after a click again the popup part shows correctly. (image attached good.png)
We use this event:
Any Idea appreciate.
We would like to use telerik winform controls. So we start to test demo version.
We have a strange issue about the RadComboBoxElement placed on radribbonbar.
When I use the autocompletemod with SuggestAppend option at the first bind something happen with the popup list. (image attached wrong.png). When I click the arrow of the texbox part of the combobox, the popup hide, after a click again the popup part shows correctly. (image attached good.png)
We use this event:
private void comboboxSearchAddress_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (comboboxSearchAddress.Text.Length > 2)
liAddrs = AddressPoint.SearchAddress(comboboxSearchAddress.Text);
string s = comboboxSearchAddress.Text;
comboboxSearchAddress.Text = "";
for (int i = 0; i < liAddrs.Count; i++)
comboboxSearchAddress.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem(liAddrs[i].Caption,liAddrs[i]));
comboboxSearchAddress.Text = s;
comboboxSearchAddress.Select(comboboxSearchAddress.Text.Length, 0);
Any Idea appreciate.