RadComboBox is not selecting value from dropdown in IOS, when the TabGesturerecognizer is for keyboard added in AppDeligate.

2 Answers 43 Views
Mohammed Rameez
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Rank 1
Mohammed Rameez asked on 20 Nov 2024, 10:52 AM | edited on 20 Nov 2024, 10:57 AM

Hi Team,

There is an issue we are facing only in IOS, where when trying select any value from RadComboBox dropdown it don't get selected.

This issue only occurs when we have the below code added in AppDeligate, which is for hiding the keyboard when clicked anywhere outside of the UI:


NOTE: the gesture code we need in our app.

Attaching the sample project as well.


Thanks & Best Regards,

Mohammed Rameez Raza.

Mohammed Rameez
Top achievements
Rank 1
commented on 21 Nov 2024, 05:43 AM

Is there no solution for this.
Mohammed Rameez
Top achievements
Rank 1
commented on 21 Nov 2024, 09:25 AM | edited

doesn't anyone have any clue on this. No reply yet.

2 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Nov 2024, 04:56 PM

Hello Mohammed, 

Direct to the question for ComboBox and AppDelegate:

You need to press hard/hold to select item from the dropdown. This behavior is due to the native logic for the tap gesture. It happens with the ComboBox control, for example AutoComplete/ListPicker works. 

So far I couldn't find a workaround. I will continue with the research and will send an update next week. In the meantime you can use the ListPicker/TemplatedPicker, etc.

Another option for hiding the keyboard is using the HideSoftinputOnTap on page level. I tested this and when tapping outside of an entry, the keyboard hides.

Progress Telerik

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Telerik team
answered on 25 Nov 2024, 04:21 PM

Hello Mohammed,

I talked to the dev team regarding the behavior related to the ComboBox control. So the behavior happens as we add tap gesture to the window to close the ComboBox when tapping outside of the control. 

So the dev team applied a solution in the app delegate, which you can use. Download the attached project and check the approach.

Hope this will be of help.

Progress Telerik

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Mohammed Rameez
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Telerik team
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