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RadCalendar SpecialDayz Backcolor change

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Calendar, DateTimePicker, TimePicker and Clock
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RONNY asked on 16 May 2014, 08:54 AM

how can i change the Backcolor at SpecialDays?
I read a xml file and create specialdays about this information automatically.
When i create the specialdays with the following code, then i can not see the Day-Number.

public void date_eintrag(string tick_imput, string text, int color)
             long tick = Convert.ToInt64(tick_imput);
             DateTime time = new DateTime(tick);
             Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadCalendarDay day = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadCalendarDay();
             Telerik.WinControls.RadHostItem item = new Telerik.WinControls.RadHostItem(new System.Windows.Forms.Control());
             item.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
             item.ForeColor = Color.Black;
             item.Text = time.Day.ToString();
             day.Date = time;
             day.TemplateItem = item;

How is the right way for this function?

Thanks in advance,

Ronny Gleicke

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answered on 16 May 2014, 01:31 PM
Hi Ronny,

Thank you for writing.

Here is how to add a RadCalendarDay and change its BackColor:
public Form1()
    DateTime time = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);
    Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadCalendarDay day = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadCalendarDay(time);
    radCalendar1.ElementRender += radCalendar1_ElementRender;
void radCalendar1_ElementRender(object sender, RenderElementEventArgs e)
    if (radCalendar1.SpecialDays.Contains(e.Day, new MyComparer()))
        e.Element.BackColor = Color.Red;
        e.Element.ResetValue(LightVisualElement.BackColorProperty, Telerik.WinControls.ValueResetFlags.Local);
class MyComparer : IEqualityComparer<RadCalendarDay>
    public bool Equals(RadCalendarDay day1, RadCalendarDay day2)
        if (DateTime.Compare(day1.Date.Date, day2.Date.Date) == 0)
            return true;
            return false;
    public int GetHashCode(RadCalendarDay day)
        return day.GetHashCode();

Let me know how this works for you.

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Calendar, DateTimePicker, TimePicker and Clock
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