how can i change the Backcolor at SpecialDays?
I read a xml file and create specialdays about this information automatically.
When i create the specialdays with the following code, then i can not see the Day-Number.
how can i change the Backcolor at SpecialDays?
I read a xml file and create specialdays about this information automatically.
When i create the specialdays with the following code, then i can not see the Day-Number.
public void date_eintrag(string tick_imput, string text, int color) { long tick = Convert.ToInt64(tick_imput); DateTime time = new DateTime(tick); Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadCalendarDay day = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadCalendarDay(); Telerik.WinControls.RadHostItem item = new Telerik.WinControls.RadHostItem(new System.Windows.Forms.Control()); item.BackColor = Color.Transparent; item.ForeColor = Color.Black; item.Text = time.Day.ToString(); day.Date = time; day.TemplateItem = item; radCalendar1.SpecialDays.Add(day); }
How is the right way for this function?
Thanks in advance,
Ronny Gleicke