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Question about Solution Upgrade Wizard

4 Answers 111 Views
Visual Studio Extensions
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Adam P
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Rank 2
Adam P asked on 12 Aug 2014, 10:47 PM
I know this may seem like a ridiculous question, I may be missing something, but can someone explain to me what the point of the "Download..." and "Browse..." buttons are in the Solution Upgrade Wizard?

There's two things I can think of:

    a) the browse button is meant for me to select a new location then click the download button to download the new version, or
    b) the browse button is for me to select a folder where the assemblies currently exist and upgrade them with the download button

Here's why (in it's current form) it doesn't make sense or is just very unintuitive:

In both cases, the flow of the form is really strange.  Typically entry fields would go from top-down, left-right - or - left-right, top-down.  This upgrade form goes right-to-left.

That's not the real issue (but for a company who provides controls for helping with UX, you would think UX would be important in their own forms ;-) ... ).

I assumed I could click Browse, create a folder (why else would there be a "New Folder" option in the Folder Browse dialog?), and then download the assemblies to that location.  Is that assumption correct?

If that assumption is correct, then I think there's a bug or something, because I created a new folder, clicked the download button (which tells me it was already up to date), and my folder is empty.  See attached screenshots ...

Thank you

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Adam P
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Rank 2
answered on 12 Aug 2014, 10:51 PM
One more thing I noticed.  When I select my newly created folder, it doesn't show up in the drop down (item #3 in 1 "dialog.png" attached).  Instead it keeps GAC selected.
Telerik team
answered on 14 Aug 2014, 02:37 PM
Hello Adam,

Thank you for contacting us and sharing your feedback.

Regarding the first question about Browse button. It is used for selecting an existing distribution, which might be set on a custom location different from the default one. As we provide downloading a zipped distribution of our controls the user might want to extract it to a custom location and this is where the Browse button comes in handy.

The Download button is used to verify if newer version of the controls is available and download it if confirmed. If a newer version of the controls is downloaded using the Download button, it is stored into the download location set in the Options dialog of the VSExtensions. By default it is set to: "%appdata%\Telerik\Updates". In case the user needs to change the default download location it could be done from the VSExtensions Options... command under the Telerik menu. Additional information on the Options dialog could be found on the following link: LINK

We appreciate your feedback and will consider improving our UX.

Please let us know in case any questions arise.

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Adam P
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answered on 16 Aug 2014, 02:00 AM
Hmm, ok I think I understand, but this UI isn't very clear.  I would like to suggest a few things:

1) First, the "Create Folder" button on the Browse dialog is very misleading and unnecessary it sounds like.
2) It seems as if the "Download" button is out of place.  The drop down list and the browse buttons correspond directly to one-another, but then in between the two is this Download button that serves a completely different purpose.  Shouldn't that be on it's own somewhere?

I've attached a mockup screenshot that I think would really help alleviate a lot of confusion.  It provides the user a clear, linear path.  The changes that I made are:

1) Added steps, 1: Download, 2: Select Source, 3: Select Projects - to make the process more clear
2) Changed the "Download" button to be in it's own step ("Step 1") with a clearer explanation of what it is doing.  Also, it no longer sits between the drop down and browse buttons, since it doesn't belong there from what I can tell...
3) Changed the heading from "Select .NET Framework 4.0 Projects" to "Upgrade .NET Framework Projects"
I realize this form seems like it should be simple, but it seems very scattered, and stuff like the New Folder button threw me off.  Also, the Download between the DDL and Browse button was pretty confusing.  I wasn't sure how the form flowed.
Telerik team
answered on 20 Aug 2014, 03:27 PM
Hi Adam,

Thank you for your efforts.

Unfortunately the image in the attachment is invalid and I was not able to view it. Would you please try to re-upload it again in order to share your view.

I will also log your feedback into our system and we will consider improving our VSExtensions UX.

Looking forward to your response.

Check out Telerik Analytics, the service which allows developers to discover app usage patterns, analyze user data, log exceptions, solve problems and profile application performance at run time. Watch the videos and start improving your app based on facts, not hunches.
Visual Studio Extensions
Asked by
Adam P
Top achievements
Rank 2
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Adam P
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Telerik team
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