I recently upgraded my web app to use the latest Q3 2014 release and noticed that IE8 immediately displays the error above when loading the new library (Object doesn't support this property or method). I have tried both kendo.all.js and kendo.all.min.js and can see that the problem line is 104252, presumably because of the call to indexOf() which is not supported by IE8?
)) == -1)
Is IE8 still supported by this release and if so, please can you advise a workaround until a fix is made available?
15 Answers, 1 is accepted
Thank you for contacting us - this is an issue we have slipped. We will address that as soon as possible and check for other such issues. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
When I investigated this issue, I realized that the code should not reach that point at all, unless an AngularJS script is referred from your project. Kendo UI Q3 ships with Angular 1.3, which has dropped support for IE 8. In case you are using Angular in your project, and you should support IE 8, then you should stick with the previous Kendo UI/AngularJS version.

We are indeed using Angular (1.2.24 mainly because of the dropped IE8 support in 1.3), but must be why we are hitting this code in the kendo scripts as you mention. We are actually in the process of moving from XP / IE8 to Windows 7 / IE10 so hopefully this won't affect us for too long anyway!
Thanks again for your help,

unless there are technical reasons to move towards angular 1.3 I think you should continue to support angular 1.2 since kendo ui supports IE8. This change is really bad for industries like mine that are using angular 1.2 because is a requirement to support IE8 and it will be at least for another year!
Actually I've been provided a polyfill for indexOf method so everything now seems to work in IE8 and other browsers. Do you think there could be any other issue using 2014 Q3 with angular 1.2.27?
we faced some rather strange issues when integrating Angular in the mobile part, but apart from that, it does not take advantage of something 1.3 particular.

sorry but your answer is unclear to me: is it safe and you would recommend to use angular js 1.2.27 for web development with kendo ui 2014 Q3?
I would not call it safe, as we haven't tested that configuration and we don't support it. However, if it works without any apparent issues for you, you can use it.

after the indexOf fix I didn't found any other issue, but I'm not feeling really comfortable using it. In my opinion IE8 support should be provided out of the box, otherwise frameworks become quickly unstable.
Since Petyo said "it does not take advantages of something 1.3 particular", then I hope Telerik will provide full compatibility of 1.2.x and IE8 because in the industries is still a big use case.

Thank you very much for the answer. The same here, so far I haven't found additional issues.
It seems there is no plan to support 1.2.* branch in future releases (therefore no IE8).
If you need it as well, please vote for the suggestion to reintroduce the support for 1.2.* branch - http://kendoui-feedback.telerik.com/forums/127393-telerik-kendo-ui-feedback/suggestions/6962128-support-ie8-with-kendo-angular-integration-angula
Kind regards, Milan

Hello Matthew,
I am not sure what you mean by incorrect, may you please clarify? Also, please notice that the AngularJS version dependency is described here.

Hi Petyo,
I think what Mathew means is the message at http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/browsers-support saying that Kendo support IE7+​ without no footmark/note​/warning that this does not include Kendo Angular Directives and if you want to use kendo-​angular you have to aim for IE9+. I can imagine some users can find this very frustrating (I certainly did). Angular Team is still supporting 1.2.* branch (IE8) so ​I would assume that if you claim Kendo supports IE7+ you will support that branch with new releases as well.
Cheers, Milan

I totally agree with Milan,
unless kendoui is not using some particular feature of angular 1.3.x I'm asking why to introduce that constraint and don't you let the developer choose which version of angular to use in their projects?
Said that, sadly IE8 is still commonly used in the big industries. Right now I'm using Kendo UI v2015.1.429 which works perfectly (at least in my experience) with AngularJS v1.2.27
PLEASE: if it's not a real need (in that case explain why) remove the 1.3.x constraint and stick with 1.2.x so everything will be aligned and developers happy.
PS: I read about new integration plans for angular 2 & web components and that's really great! This is something I'd really put effort on and just leave IE8 supported with angular 1.2.x unless you'll stop to support IE8 within the all kendo library (maybe by dropping jquery too). One of the thing I like about Telerik is that you really putting effort to stay aligned and on top of technologies, but don't lose the focus on developer's job that often need to support / develop older apps. I guess Angular 2 will have hard times to be adopted in the short time but the path is traced with web components, ES6 and a jquery free world (maybe in 2/3 years by now).
Hello Enrico/Milan,
thank you for your feedback. I am in complete agreement with you - IE8 is here to stay.
When we moved to Angular 1.3, we introduced numerous changes in the way our directives are created. At a certain point, when we tested the applied changes with the 1.2.* branch, the whole setup stopped working in certain edge cases.
Reverting some of the changes however made the setup malfunctioning when tested against the 1.3 branch. Given that, we are certain that there are subtle yet critical differences in the behavior of 1.3 and 1.2 branches. Most of them may not affect the usual behavior of the directives. However, claiming an official support for the 1.2 branch is something that we can't commit to right now. Yet, we have received a few informal confirms that it works in certain customer environments.
Worth mentioning is that we are facing a similar situation with the newly introduced 1.4 branch and its new router, which is incompatible with our current directive implementation. Supporting multiple minor versions of AngularJS is a real challenge for a library of our size.