I've just upgraded to WinForms Q1 2011, and have been converting across to the new Treeview Control. I have a screen that uses drag n drop between two Treeviews, and does some validation on the DragEnding event, which can result in a user message being displayed and the drag operation being cancelled. In the Q1 2011 Treeview if you show a MsgBox within the DragEnding event the MsgBox just keeps appearing over and over again and you cannot cancel it. I tried moving the MsgBox into the DragEnded event, however this produces an odd behaviour, where the dragged node floats around inside the message box following the cursor (but not outside the msgbox screen), also you have to press OK on the msgbox twice before it dissapears.
This is not a difficult behaviour to re-create. I really need to be able to provide some user feedback on the dragEnding event, without this the drag and drop functionaity is really quite limited for real business applications.
Any help with this, much appreaciated
This is not a difficult behaviour to re-create. I really need to be able to provide some user feedback on the dragEnding event, without this the drag and drop functionaity is really quite limited for real business applications.
Any help with this, much appreaciated