Hi I have a simple multiselect....
<select id="msProducts" multiple style="width:100%;"></select>
$(document).ready(function () {
//products multi-select
placeholder: "Select Product(s)",
dataTextField: "ProductNameText",
dataValueField: "ProductNameValue",
dataSource: {
type: "json",
serverFiltering: true,
transport: {
read: {
url: "Home/Products"
My Contoller has:
'GET: Home/Products
Function Products() As JsonResult
Dim DiaryProductList As List(Of ProductsModel) = ProductsModel.GetProducts
Return Json(DiaryProductList , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)
End Function
My ProductsModel Class has:
Public Class ProductsModel
Public Property ProductNameText As String
Public Property ProductNameValue As String
Public Shared Function GetProducts() As List(Of ProductsModel)
Dim ProductList = New List(Of ProductsModel)
Dim dc As New DBDataContext
Dim ProductsQuery = (From pIn dc.Products
Where p.ProductStatus <> "discontinued"
Select New With {.ProductNameValue = p.ProductName,
.ProductNameText = p.ProductName}).OrderBy(Function(lst) lst.ProductNameValue)
For Each r In ProductsQuery
ProductList.Add(New ProductsModel() With {.ProductNameValue = r.ProductNameValue,
.ProductNameText = r.ProductNameText})
Catch ex As Exception
ProductList.Add(New ProductsModel() With {.ProductNameValue = "",
.ProductNameText = ex.Message})
End Try
Return ProductList
End Function
End Class
My problem is that although the muti-select gets populated (with some 5000+ products) the dropdown is not filtering as a user types. For example if I beging typing the word CAKE. As soon as I type C the I-beam disappears and after a second or two the dropdown drops for a brief moment and the disappears clearing the multi-select completely. The only way I can populate at the moment is type the letter A, wait and then scroll through the complete list and select what I need for each item I need. Have I missed something. Should I introduce paging in order to limit the data?