I've a very large grid, more then 1000 rows. The data is already downloaded from the server, so I create a datasource like this:
dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
data: this.slateData,
group: this.slateGridGroups,
filter: this.getNodeFilter() }
I use custom row templates, so it's very slow to load/reload the grid. When I initialize, filter or sort the grid, the browser will freeze for about 5 seconds.
I want to solve this problem by adding a pageSize parameter to the dataSource and make the gird option pagable = false, scrollable: { virtual: true}
However, if I use it in this way, I'm unable to load all the group header at the beginning. I need to keep scrolling down to get new group headers. This is not acceptable by our requirement.
How can I solve this problem?