I used spreadsheet to open an xlsx file like in this demo (http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/spreadsheet/server-side-import-export), but I found a problem with the filters in the excel file. In the "filter by value" zone, it appears only "all" , the other values doesn't appear , also for the "filter by Condition" zone when I try to find some value the filter doesn't work, it only changes the color of the arrow icon but all the values still exists.
As for the excel file I created a simple excel file with some filters. I noticed that the filters works only if I used an excel file that I have already used its filters in Microsoft excel.
I used
below the code that I used
public string GetJsonExcel(string fileName1)
var fileName = fileName1.Replace("***", "'");
string pathF = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PathDocs"].ToString();
var physicalPath = Path.Combine(pathF, fileName);
var workbook = Workbook.Load(physicalPath);
return workbook.ToJson();
<div id="spreadsheet" style="width: 100%; height: 99%"></div>
var spreadsheet = $("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet");
$.getJSON(generateUrlWithParam("Home", "GetJsonExcel", "fileName1", "spreadsheet with file after using filters in microsoft excel.xlsx"))
.done(function (sheets) {
Best regards,