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Problem while posting formulary

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Bernardo asked on 23 Mar 2017, 10:08 PM

Hi, I'm having a problem that, while I'm posting a formulary (the submit actions is catched by the jQuery submit event) all kendo-directive componentes are removed from the DOM.


I think it probably have to do with something I've been doing outside, like a somekind of watcher, but it's strange because it only happens with some components (slider or editor, for instance, remain intact). And all other inputs (components that have nothing to do with kendo.ui itself) work just fine.

I was wondering, could It be possible that any watcher maybe interacting in a bad way with the kendo inputs?


All others like numeric-text-box, date-picker, date-time-picker, time-picker, etc. All have this problem.

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Viktor Tachev
Telerik team
answered on 27 Mar 2017, 02:49 PM
Hello Bernardo,

Based on the provided information it would be hard to pinpoint what is causing the behavior. Would you send us a dojo sample where the issue is replicated? This will enable us to examine the behavior locally and look for its cause.

Viktor Tachev
Telerik by Progress
Try our brand new, jQuery-free Angular 2 components built from ground-up which deliver the business app essential building blocks - a grid component, data visualization (charts) and form elements.
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answered on 28 Mar 2017, 05:48 PM

Sorry, I'm testing in a big project, so it's probably something in my project that is causing it.

I was just asking if it would be possible that kendo directives could be removed from the DOM if any global variable get populated or by any default submit or click on form events.

Viktor Tachev
Telerik team
answered on 30 Mar 2017, 11:15 AM
Hi Bernardo,

If there are Kendo components that disappear from the DOM this is most likely due to an external custom code. Note that even if you call destroy() for a Kendo widget, the main HTML for the widget would still not be removed from the DOM.

If you would like more information on destroying widgets you would find the following article interesting.

Viktor Tachev
Telerik by Progress
Try our brand new, jQuery-free Angular 2 components built from ground-up which deliver the business app essential building blocks - a grid component, data visualization (charts) and form elements.
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Viktor Tachev
Telerik team
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