I have an issue where I can drag and move an event within the same group no problem but if I move an event from one resource group to another then it moves the event to the correct time but stays on the group it was already on, doesn't move it to the group I dragged it. Any ideas?
I have no custom code in the move event.
date: new Date(),
eventHeight: 40,
start: new Date(),
editable: {
confirmation: "Are you sure you want to deallocate this section?",
resize: true,
template: $('#customEditorTemplate').html()
views: [
{ type: "timeline" },
{ type: "timelineWeek" },
{ type: "timelineMonth", majorTick: 1440, start: new Date(), selected: true }
workWeekStart: 1,
workWeekEnd: 5,
dataSource: dataSource,
dataBound: function (e) {
//create drop area from current View
var view = this.view();
var events = this.dataSource.view();
for (var i = 0, event; event = events[i++];) {
var el = view.element.find("[data-uid=" + event.uid + "]");
if (event.ScheduleType > 0) {
el.css('background-color', '#8b90fd').css('border-color', '#8b90fd');
} else {
if (event.DueDate) {
var dateEnd = new Date(event.end),
dateDue = new Date(event.DueDate);
if (dateEnd.getTime() > dateDue.getTime()) {
el.css('background-color', '#ee4e4d').css('border-color', '#ee4e4d');
} else {
var day = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var diff = (dateDue.getTime() - dateEnd.getTime()) / day;
if (diff <= 2) {
el.css('background-color', '#eeac4d').css('border-color', '#eeac4d');
var view = this.view();
allDaySlot: true,
timezone: "Etc/UTC",
group: {
resources: ["Users"],
orientation: "vertical"
resources: [
field: "id",
name: "Users",
dataSource: users,
title: "User"
resizeEnd: function (e) {
save: function (e) {
remove: function (e) {
moveEnd: function (e) {