I'm trying to bind a chart using MVVM, but get this error: "Uncaught Error: The dataSource binding is not supported by the Chart widget"
Here is my template:
<script id="chart-template" type="script/x-kendo-template">
<div data-role="chart" data-series-field="value" data-categoryaxis-field="category" data-seriesdefaults-type="column" data-bind="dataSource: #: parent().parent().dataSource #" class="chart"></div>
I'm using parent to get back to the chart array's main object, since it has the datasource. If it would have worked, I would have switched that to a function that would return a new datasource specific to each chart. Is my template totally wrong, or can you really just not bind a chart's dataSource with templates yet? I'm a Kendo newbie, so I could easily be messing this up. Thanks!
Ok, so now I got this when trying to declaratively bind the tabstrip's activate event: "Error: The activate binding is not supported by the TabStrip widget". This whole declarative initialization really seems half-baked. Can someone please comment on this? If this is the case, can you at least indicate in the documentation whether each property/event can be declaratively databound?
Here is my template:
<script id="chart-template" type="script/x-kendo-template">
<div data-role="chart" data-series-field="value" data-categoryaxis-field="category" data-seriesdefaults-type="column" data-bind="dataSource: #: parent().parent().dataSource #" class="chart"></div>
Ok, so now I got this when trying to declaratively bind the tabstrip's activate event: "Error: The activate binding is not supported by the TabStrip widget". This whole declarative initialization really seems half-baked. Can someone please comment on this? If this is the case, can you at least indicate in the documentation whether each property/event can be declaratively databound?