I'm trying to print/preview the radrichtexteditor where document orientation of the document is landscape and contains table. In radrichtexteditor table is displaying good,
but in Preview mode table is truncating. I dont know why...
It`s my code:
RadPrintDocument document = new RadPrintDocument();
document.PrinterSettings.Duplex = System.Drawing.Printing.Duplex.Simplex;
document.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true;
document.Landscape = true;
thank you in advance.
I'm trying to print/preview the radrichtexteditor where document orientation of the document is landscape and contains table. In radrichtexteditor table is displaying good,
but in Preview mode table is truncating. I dont know why...
It`s my code:
RadPrintDocument document = new RadPrintDocument();
document.PrinterSettings.Duplex = System.Drawing.Printing.Duplex.Simplex;
document.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true;
document.Landscape = true;
thank you in advance.