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Possible Memory Leak When Using Aggregates in Kendo Grid

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Alexander asked on 20 Sep 2016, 02:24 PM

We have a dynamic web site which uses the Kendo grid to continually update statistics. While leaving a grid displayed and updating and while using aggregates, the grid will eventually consume enough memory to kill the browser window. This is due to the fact that DOM elements are being orphaned when the grid refreshes new data. If a memory snapshot is taken in the developer pane of the browser, you will notice many HTMLDivElements with class "k-grid-footer-wrap" and "k-grid-footer-locked" are still in memory but not attached to the DOM. Each element only takes 92 bytes, but they accumulate over time and are never released. The problem is reproducible and shown in the below code.

Removing the aggregate data and the footer templates from the kendo initialization causes the memory to remain stable.

Please advise. Thanks.

<!DOCTYPE html>
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        <div style="position:absolute;left:29.0px;top:21.0px;background-color:#FFFFFF;border:1.0px Solid #000000;" selectionoffset="3" oncontextmenu="return false;" objecttype="RealtimeTable" onmousedown="objectOnMouseDown(event)" uniqueid="5113,5117,5121,5114,5118,5122,5115,5119,5123" uniquepath="Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #1.Tag #1,Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #2.Tag #1,Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #3.Tag #1,Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #1.Tag #2,Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #2.Tag #2,Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #3.Tag #2,Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #1.Tag #3,Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #2.Tag #3,Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #3.Tag #3" url="http://TEST-LENOVO:9001/api/RTData">
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var object_14data = new[
           new{ col0: "Folder #1", folderId: "5110", folderIndex: "1", folderPath: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #1", col1: "---", col2: "---", col3: "---", col0uid: "-1", col1uid: "5113", col2uid: "5114", col3uid: "5115", col0path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #1", col1path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #1.Tag #1", col2path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #1.Tag #2", col3path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #1.Tag #3" }),
           new{ col0: "Folder #2", folderId: "5116", folderIndex: "2", folderPath: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #2", col1: "---", col2: "---", col3: "---", col0uid: "-1", col1uid: "5117", col2uid: "5118", col3uid: "5119", col0path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #2", col1path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #2.Tag #1", col2path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #2.Tag #2", col3path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #2.Tag #3" }),
           new{ col0: "Folder #3", folderId: "5120", folderIndex: "3", folderPath: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #3", col1: "---", col2: "---", col3: "---", col0uid: "-1", col1uid: "5121", col2uid: "5122", col3uid: "5123", col0path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #3", col1path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #3.Tag #1", col2path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #3.Tag #2", col3path: "Системa1.Reference Table Test.Folder #3.Tag #3" })
       $(document).ready(function () {
           $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
           $.support.cors = true;
           if ($("#object_14").data("kendoGrid") == null) {
                   dataSource: {
                       data: object_14data,
                       schema: {
                           model: {
                               fields: {
                                   col0: { type: "string" },
                                   col1: { type: "number" },
                                   col2: { type: "number" },
                                   col3: { type: "number" },
                       aggregate: [
                           { field: "col1", aggregate: "sum" },
                           { field: "col2", aggregate: "average" },
                   groupable: false,
                   resizable: true,
                   sortable: false,
                   pageable: false,
                   columns: [
                           field: "col0",
                           locked: true,
                           footerTemplate: "<div style='text-align:center;font-family: \"Arial\";font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;'>Tot/Avg:</div>",
                           title: "Name<br/><div> </div>",
                           headerAttributes: { "style": "text-transform: none;text-align:center;font-family: \'Arial\';font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;" },
                           width: 419,
                           template: '<div onmousedown="objectOnMouseDown(event);" istablecell="true" tableid="object_14" uniqueid="#= col0uid #" uniquepath="#= col0path #" style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-family: \'Arial\';font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;">#= col0 #</span><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="padding-left:5px;display:none;" width="16.0px" height="16.0px"><image width="16px" height="16px" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="http://localhost/OptiRampWeb5/images/warning3.svg"></image></svg></div>'
                           field: "col1",
                           locked: false,
                           footerTemplate: "<div style='text-align:center;font-family: \"Arial\";font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;'>#=kendo.format('{0:n2}',sum)#</div>",
                           title: "Tag #1<br/><div></div>",
                           headerAttributes: { "style": "text-transform: none;text-align:center;font-family: \'Arial\';font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;" },
                           width: 100,
                           template: '<div onmousedown="objectOnMouseDown(event);" istablecell="true" tableid="object_14" uniqueid="#= col1uid #" uniquepath="#= col1path #" style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family: \'Arial\';font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;">#= (col1 == null) ? "---" : kendo.toString(col1, "0.00") #</span><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="padding-left:5px;display:#=(col1 == "---") ? \'inline\' : \'none\' #;" width="16.0px" height="16.0px"><image width="16px" height="16px" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="http://localhost/OptiRampWeb5/images/warning3.svg"></image></svg></div>'
                           field: "col2",
                           locked: false,
                           footerTemplate: "<div style='text-align:center;font-family: \"Arial\";font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;'>#=kendo.format('{0:n2}',average)#</div>",
                           title: "Tag #2<br/><div></div>",
                           headerAttributes: { "style": "text-transform: none;text-align:center;font-family: \'Arial\';font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;" },
                           width: 100,
                           template: '<div onmousedown="objectOnMouseDown(event);" istablecell="true" tableid="object_14" uniqueid="#= col2uid #" uniquepath="#= col2path #" style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family: \'Arial\';font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;">#= (col2 == null) ? "---" : kendo.toString(col2, "0.00") #</span><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="padding-left:5px;display:#=(col2 == "---") ? \'inline\' : \'none\' #;" width="16.0px" height="16.0px"><image width="16px" height="16px" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="http://localhost/OptiRampWeb5/images/warning3.svg"></image></svg></div>'
                           field: "col3",
                           locked: false,
                           footerTemplate: "<div style='text-align:center;font-family: \"Arial\";font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;'></div>",
                           title: "Tag #3<br/><div></div>",
                           headerAttributes: { "style": "text-transform: none;text-align:center;font-family: \'Arial\';font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;" },
                           width: 100,
                           template: '<div onmousedown="objectOnMouseDown(event);" istablecell="true" tableid="object_14" uniqueid="#= col3uid #" uniquepath="#= col3path #" style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family: \'Arial\';font-size: 8pt;font-weight: normal;">#= (col3 == null) ? "---" : kendo.toString(col3, "0.00") #</span><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="padding-left:5px;display:#=(col3 == "---") ? \'inline\' : \'none\' #;" width="16.0px" height="16.0px"><image width="16px" height="16px" x="0" y="0" xlink:href="http://localhost/OptiRampWeb5/images/warning3.svg"></image></svg></div>'
       function startTimer() {
           timerVar = setInterval(changeData, 2000, 0);
       function changeData() {
           var grid = $("#object_14").data("kendoGrid");
           grid.dataSource._data.forEach(function (item) {
               item.col1 = Math.random() * 100;
               item.col2 = Math.random() * 100;
               item.col3 = Math.random() * 100;


2 Answers, 1 is accepted

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answered on 21 Sep 2016, 02:59 PM
This is reported as a bug in the Grid and is being worked on.
Telerik team
answered on 22 Sep 2016, 08:02 AM

Hello Alexander,

The issue is question should be addressed with the next internal build. Feel free to give it a snip and to check it on your end once released.

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