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Possible CSS Rendering Issue on Initialization

4 Answers 94 Views
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Ohenewa asked on 03 May 2017, 05:24 PM

After spreadsheet initialization, the controls renders as a blank control (no rows, no columns), the tabs rendering is also impacted. If I click the add sheet (+) and go back to the first sheet, the rendering issue seems to resolve itself. There don't seem to be any errors during the initialization process


var configureBalanceSheetSpreadSheet = function (batchId) {
                .done(function (json) {
                    var spreadsheet = $("#balanceSheetSpreadSheet").getKendoSpreadsheet();
                .fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
                    console.log("Request Failed: " + error);

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Telerik team
answered on 05 May 2017, 07:41 AM

Hello Ohenewa,

I simulated the described behavior in a dojo example, but I was unable to experience any difficulties with how Spreadsheet is rendered. Here you are the dojo I created to test with and see if I am missing something:

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answered on 10 May 2017, 10:27 PM

My spreadsheet is being rendered within a twitter bootstrap wizard control

I also noticed that when I get that initial rendering, if I "Restore Down" my chrome window and "Restore Up" again, the spreadsheet renders properly. I tried calling resize() on the spreadsheet after it renders and that's not working. 

Telerik team
answered on 11 May 2017, 07:16 AM

Hello Ohenewa,

The resize method works fine on my end. This bootstrap wizard widget, however, does not expose a suitable event to call it. The onTabShow is triggered before content is rendered and thus, you need a setTimeout to call the resize method and properly re-render the spreadsheet.

<div id="rootwizard">
        <li><a href="#tab1" data-toggle="tab"><span class="label">1</span> First</a></li>
        <li><a href="#tab2" data-toggle="tab"><span class="label">2</span> Second</a></li>
    <div class="tab-content">
        <div class="tab-pane" id="tab1">
        <div class="tab-pane" id="tab2">
            <div id="spreadsheet" style="width: 100%;"></div>
    $(document).ready(function () {
            onTabShow: function (ev) {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 0)
    var spreadJson = { "activeSheet": "Food Order", "sheets": [{ "name": "Food Order", "rows": [{ "index": 0, "height": 70, "cells": [{ "value": "Invoice #52 - 06/23/2015", "background": "#60b5ff", "color": "#ffffff", "fontSize": 32, "textAlign": "center", "index": 0 }] }, { "index": 1, "height": 25, "cells": [{ "value": "ID", "background": "#a7d6ff", "color": "#003e75", "textAlign": "center", "index": 0 }, { "value": "Product", "background": "#a7d6ff", "color": "#003e75", "textAlign": "center", "index": 1 }, { "value": "Quantity", "background": "#a7d6ff", "color": "#003e75", "textAlign": "center", "index": 2 }, { "value": "Price", "background": "#a7d6ff", "color": "#003e75", "textAlign": "center", "index": 3 }, { "value": "Tax", "background": "#a7d6ff", "color": "#003e75", "textAlign": "center", "index": 4 }, { "value": "Amount", "background": "#a7d6ff", "color": "#003e75", "textAlign": "center", "index": 5 }, { "background": "#a7d6ff", "color": "#003e75", "index": 6 }] }, { "index": 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        sheetsbar: false

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answered on 12 May 2017, 12:33 AM

Calling resize() OnTabShow resolved my issue.

Thanks so much

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