From the other posts out here, I see that window positioning can be tricky. I am hoping someone can help me solve my issue. I have a page which has two grids on it. The page is "long" enough to generate scroll bars. Each grid has a column with custom buttons. Those buttons open one of two windows. However, as they are called from the grids, Kendo tries to place the windows on top of the grids. That would be fine, but upon drawing of the window(s), the page scrolls up to the top automatically. The window(s) are further down the page and not visible. I would like a way to either suppress the top-scrolling behavior or place my windows at the top of the page when drawn. Any help is appreciated. Snippets below.
$("#grid").delegate(".showExtendWindow", "click", function (e) {"kendoWindow").center();"kendoWindow").open();
$("#grid2").delegate(".showExtendWindow2", "click", function (e) {"kendoWindow").center();"kendoWindow").open();