We have angularjs - kendo ui based solution. In the template kendo tree is defined with k-options param set to angular controller variable.
Please see attached :
1. bulletinBoard.tpl.html - template where kendo tree is defined
2. bulletinBoard.js - controller
Inside controller we have defined factory for communication with web api in order to retrieve asynchronously json response.
In the LogConsole.png, I have pasted just for the reference that valid json is returned and unwrapped in the controller by calling .then(function(data)... call.
However tree is not populated with the fetched data.
Please advice what are we doing wrong?
We are new to Angular, Kendo and spent many hours trying to resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance,
We have angularjs - kendo ui based solution. In the template kendo tree is defined with k-options param set to angular controller variable.
Please see attached :
1. bulletinBoard.tpl.html - template where kendo tree is defined
2. bulletinBoard.js - controller
Inside controller we have defined factory for communication with web api in order to retrieve asynchronously json response.
In the LogConsole.png, I have pasted just for the reference that valid json is returned and unwrapped in the controller by calling .then(function(data)... call.
However tree is not populated with the fetched data.
Please advice what are we doing wrong?
We are new to Angular, Kendo and spent many hours trying to resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance,