I am getting the Data from an API where, I get only the first 2 page data At a time.
That is total 50 row records, and I will be showing 25 each in both the pages.
Now the issue is When I get my first 50 records from the API, I know total there are 147 Items, that is I will get all the data only after 3 web api calls.
Now I do not want all the records from the API before the user click on any page.
So after my first call. that I got 2 pages of grid( 25 + 25 = 50), but I know there are four more pages to get all 147 data.
So can I display the rest four more pagination, on click of that pagination can i get relevant data from API.
It looks complicated to explain and to implement.
Is it possible to implement this scenario with Kendo grid, or can I go ahead with a custom grid implementations. Thanks for your time