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Could you please provide me with a sample showing how to use the item.add method of the chartseries object that uses ole converted start and end times to provide a double as xvalue1 for a point series? Is the step from that to a GAntt or Bubble series that great?
Dim itm As New ChartSeriesItem
Dim startTime As Double = New DateTime(q.Year, q.Month, q.Day, q.Hour, 0, 0, 0).ToOADate()
itm.XValue = startTime
itm.XValue2 = startTime + 1
Dim desc As String = & " " & vv.Submit_Date & " " & vv.Impact & " " & vv.Status & " " & vv.Description
itm.YValue = 1
' itm.YValue2 = 2
itm.ActiveRegion.Tooltip = desc
itm.PointAppearance.Dimensions.AutoSize =
itm.PointAppearance.Dimensions.Height = 50
itm.PointAppearance.Dimensions.Width = 50
No matter what I set the pointappearance dimensions to I can't get the points to change size.
if I were to convert the point series to a Gantt series or bubble series could you help me understand how I would increment the y2 and x2 values? Did I do this appropriately in my sample code?