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Point Series as event markers

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Chart (obsolete as of Q1 2013)
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travis asked on 15 Apr 2011, 01:52 PM

Could you please provide me with a sample showing how to use the item.add method of the chartseries object that uses ole converted start and end times to provide a double as xvalue1 for a point series?  Is the step from that to a GAntt or Bubble series that great?



Dim itm As New ChartSeriesItem




Dim startTime As Double = New DateTime(q.Year, q.Month, q.Day, q.Hour, 0, 0, 0).ToOADate()



itm.XValue = startTime


itm.XValue2 = startTime + 1




Dim desc As String = & " " & vv.Submit_Date & " " & vv.Impact & " " & vv.Status & " " & vv.Description



itm.YValue = 1




' itm.YValue2 = 2


itm.ActiveRegion.Tooltip = desc

itm.PointAppearance.Dimensions.AutoSize =




itm.PointAppearance.Dimensions.Height = 50
itm.PointAppearance.Dimensions.Width = 50






 No matter what I set the pointappearance dimensions to I can't get the points to change size.
 if I were to convert the point series to a Gantt series or bubble series could you help me understand how I would increment the y2 and x2 values?  Did I do this appropriately in my sample code?


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Telerik team
answered on 20 Apr 2011, 03:47 PM
Hello travis,

Could you elaborate a bit more on the issue you are facing cause it is hard for me to understand what do you have problems with. The size of the Points is correctly set in your code. Do you use a Gantt or Point chart?

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Chart (obsolete as of Q1 2013)
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