I have solved this....but one more problem i found that i made Custom EditAppointment Dialogue...First i make an appointment with daily recurrences....when i change the the start and date time of one appointment of that it does'nt change ...instead of that it change on default appointment...if me not using the customEditDialogue....so should i use any event for that to change one of the ouccrence appoint time change...
Please help...
Imran khan
Dobry Zranchev
Telerik team
answered on 21 Jan 2011, 04:18 PM
Hi imran,
Thank you for writing.
You have to create a class that inherits EditRecurrenceDialog. In addition, it is important to have constructors that call the base constructors.
In order to show this dialog, you have to subscribe to the RecurrenceEditDialogShowing event of the RadScheduler and set an instance of the custom recurrence dialog to the arguments.